Course Details

Farm First Aid


This program has been developed as an entry level non accredited training module designed to help all farm workers understand possible emergency situations.


Critical for farms is having adequate and appropriate first aid training and equipment in case of an accident or illness.  This training is not an accredit First Aid qualification but rather an overview of possible situations and incidents that occur on farms. 

The farm should ensure that they have qualified first aid staff on site at all times. 

Farming may be one of the most dangerous occupations, but first aid readiness can help keep a minor injury from turning into a major issue

Target Audience:

It’s no secret that farming is a dangerous occupation. It’s also no secret that farmers operate on strict timelines that leave little room for things like hospital visits. 

This training program is designed for all farm workers to gain a better understanding of how to respond to farm accidents.

Although not every farm injury requires a trip to hospital, it’s important to be prepared for the inevitable bump, bruise, scrape, or worse.

Learning Outcomes:

  • The biggest risk injuries that may be encountered on a farm.
  • Awareness of typical farm accidents.
  • Basic treatment for typical farm accidents.
  • How to handle different farm accident scenarios.
  • Awareness of allergies that may lead to serious health complications.

Learning Methods:

Program Benefits:


  • Calling 000
  • Basic Life Support (DRSABCD)
  • Drowning (pool, river, dam)
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Poisons and Toxic Substances
  • Snake Bite treatment
  • Chemical first aid

Upcoming Workshops

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We all know what it’s like…

Your business is going great (or not… COVID-19); you’re doing the things you know. But you also know that there are some pinch points in your business; some areas that could be safer, some processes you need to introduce.
But you’re frozen: I don’t know what to do? I don’t know where to start? Will the business afford it? Am I putting myself or business at risk?

Sign Up Now!