OHS Course Online

VEG Education’s Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety (BSB41419) will give you the knowledge and skills to improve health and safety in your workplace, or bring safety planning skills into any business or industry you choose to work in. With flexible learning options you can study our OHS course online and offline, studying solo in your own time and applying the skills you’ve learnt in our dynamic classroom. Contact us today to apply to study BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety online.

Career Pathways

Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • Health and Safety Coordinator
  • Health and Safety Officer

Learn from Real World Experience

VEG Education has developed this program specifically with a business first approach. It’s designed to empower workers to become advocates of safety in all industries, and is delivered in a unique format that teaches both theory and practical skills. In our dynamic horticulture warehouse production facility we blend best practice theory with real life case studies. This allows you to put your studies into practice through a series of simulated situations, accelerating learning and improving retention. Workplace Health and Safety is a constantly changing field, and requires comprehensive knowledge and experience to be able to provide working, real life solutions.

Courses Run by Experienced Industry Leaders

Rub shoulders and learn from industry leaders with years of experience in Occupational Health and Safety, corporate law and the running of successful businesses within competitive industries. Throughout your course, you’ll gain insight into real world OHS practices and learn how to manage workplace safety from the very best.

ohs course

Improve Health and Safety in Your Business

If you’re a business owner, having a staff member with formal training in OHS can make an enormous difference, reducing accidents in the workplace and improving the work environment to make it a safer place for everyone using the space. We’ve designed our courses with compliance and the changing legal landscape in mind, keeping the information relevant and timely to ensure you’re at the forefront of OHS practices.

OHS Course Melbourne

While the majority of this course is online, there are regular face to face training sessions which we recommend attending. All in person training will be run from our training centre at Velisha Farms, a 30 minute drive from Melbourne. If you have special requirements and cannot make the in person training or placement opportunities, our OHS courses Melbourne team can help you coordinate alternative arrangements.

ohs course

Qualification Description:

This qualification is suitable for people working in a work health and safety (WHS) role that may or may not work under supervision. They may provide leadership and guidance to others and have some limited responsibilities for the output of others. This qualification reflects the role of workers who apply a broad knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of contexts and may include coordinators, advisors and facilitators. This program is delivered in a warehousing/factory context.

Entry Requirements:

There are no pre-requisites for this qualification however preferred pathways include:

  • BSB30715 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety or other relevant Certificate III qualifications
  • Vocational experience in work health and safety roles without a formal qualification

Delivery Mode:

  • This course is delivered over 10 months, however students have up to 12 months to complete.
  • 20 face-to-face sessions – 2 full days per month for 10 months
  • Online learning platform and activities
  • 1 workplace visit (3 hours) per month for 10 months
  • Assessments include; written questions, case studies, projects and demonstration of skills.
  • Recommended 15 hours of self paced learning per week.
ohs course delivery mode
ohs course pathway

Further study pathways:

Diploma of Work Health and Safety

Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety

Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety

Master of Workplace Health and Safety

Course dates and times:

Speak to our team and apply for the course today.

Course Length:

Takes up to 12 months

Further study pathways:

Item Cost
Face to face course $2,800.00
Single Units $520.00
Recognition of Prior Learning (per unit) $400.00
Certificate Re-Print $50.00

All clients have access to our interest free payment plan, terms and conditions apply. The standard payment amounts are:

The standard payment amounts are:

  • $1000.00 Payable prior to course commencement
  • $180.00 x 10 payments on a fortnightly basis
  • Payments are accepted via direct debit or credit card.

Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information on our policies and procedures including fees, charges and refund policy.


Face to face training sessions at

Velisha Farm ,372 Duncans Road Werribee South Victoria 3030

ohs course campus

Required resources:

Participants will be provided with access to our online student portal as well as Learner Guides for each unit, and additional readings/support materials as required.

This portal will provide students with workplace documentation relevant for each unit that can be used for learning and assessment where the workplace does not provide these.

A laptop that enables you to access the internet via Wi-Fi is essential. Please note that Microsoft Office Suite is required to be installed.

Course Study Units:

BSBWHS412 Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws

BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation process

BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS Risk management

BSBWHS415 Contribute to implementing WHS management systems

BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response

BSBWHS418 Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors

BSBINS401 Analyse and present research information

BSBWRT411 Write complex documents

BSBLDR411 Demonstrate leadership in the workplace

BSBSUS411 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Assessment Requirements and Methods:

The BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety is competency based. You will have assessments to complete externally to the classroom which will provide evidence that you have understood the training and applied it to the workplace.

ohs course assessment
ohs course commitment

Attendance and Commitment:

It is important that students commit to all course requirements, including study and assessments the student may need to complete outside their normal training sessions.

Students are encouraged to attend all face-to-face sessions and participate in all practical tasks.

Where to from Here:

If you need any further clarification of the information provided please contact one of our team on 1300 835 474 who can assist you or submit an enquiry through our website now and one of the team will be in touch.

Educational Support Services:

VEG Education provides ongoing support to learners throughout the duration of the program via email and telephone.

All learners have access to our Learner Portal where course support materials and assessment requirements are located. Assessments are submitted via the learner portal for your assessor to mark.

If you need support with progress throughout your course or other personal issues, our team can help or direct you to the most appropriate service. Your trainer will also be available every session to cover additional support if required. For further information on welfare and educational support, please refer to our student handbook available on the website.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for this qualification. RPL is an assessment-based pathway and is suitable for those who already have the skills and knowledge in one or more of the areas which make up the BSB41419 and do not wish to undergo further training.

For those considering RPL please speak with the VEG Education RTO Administrator who will make an initial assessment of suitability and discuss the RPL process before sending an application kit.

We recognize qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other Registered Training Organizations under the Australian Qualifications Framework. Please provide any of your previous certificates and transcripts with your enrolment application for credit review.


Skills Recognition is an assessment only process that may result in credits towards a part or full qualification. There is no formal training involved, although you may choose to complete further training as a result of the assessment process.

You can apply for Skills Recognition before you enroll in the qualification you are seeking. You can apply for Skills Recognition through one or both of the following processes:

  • Credit Transfer for formal training that might be equivalent to a new qualification or partial qualification
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for people who have relevant and current skills and knowledge that they have gained through non-formal or informal learning i.e. work or life experience.


Upon successful completion participants will receive the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety. Upon completion of individual units of competency, participants will receive a Statement of Attainment which is a progression towards the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety. This is a nationally recognized qualification.

ohs course certification

Entry Requirements:

There are no pre-requisite entry requirements for this course of study. Access to a computer or smart device and the internet is required for you to complete your studies. To give participants the best chance of successfully completing this qualification, VEG Education requires applicants to:

  • be 18 years of age or over;
  • have the Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills to complete a Certificate IV level course. Applicants will undergo a Language, Literacy & Numeracy evaluation prior to commencement of studies. Where an applicant has not met the minimum LLN level, the application may be rejected so that the applicant can be referred to other services or courses to improve their skills before reapplying.
  • have access to and the ability to use a computer for word processing;
  • have internet access so you can locate and use relevant research material and access our learner portal;
  • have sound English literacy skills to read and comprehend information from a variety of sources and compile documents;
  • a Unique Student Identifier (USI) is required.
ohs course requirements

Applicants must have employer support and a relevant workplace in a horticultural setting in order to undertake the workplace activities. This must include the support of a supervisor who can complete third party reports about the project work that students complete in the workplace so as to verify the work meets workplace requirements and that work completed is the students own work.

Added Values:

  • VEG Education is located 30 minutes from Melbourne CBD
  • Our team are highly skilled in their relevant areas and provide an engaging and enjoyable environment to promote a positive learning experience
  • Creating a safe work environment is a legal requirement for all businesses

We all know what it’s like…

Your business is going great (or not… COVID-19); you’re doing the things you know. But you also know that there are some pinch points in your business; some areas that could be safer, some processes you need to introduce.
But you’re frozen: I don’t know what to do? I don’t know where to start? Will the business afford it? Am I putting myself or business at risk?

Sign Up Now!