Primary School Program


This program has been developed specifically for Primary Schools and aligns with the Victorian Curriculum.  Join us at Velisha Farms for a unique excursion experience.

Secondary School Program


VEG Education will run a program for your students at Velisha Farms. Aligned to the Victorian curriculum, VCE subject or VET program, this unique excursion tailored to your students needs.

Virtual Farm Experience


Developed specifically for schools to experience the fresh produce industry.  The virtual experience allows schools to talk to our team live from Velisha Farms and learn about the world of veggies!

Vocational Horticulture


This program has been developed for senior students looking to understand the horticulture industry with a view to working in the sector.

Cafe Skills


Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management


Certificate II in Cookery


This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in kitchens who use a defined and limited range of food preparation and cookery skills to prepare food and menu items.

Certificate II in Hospitality


This qualification reflects the role of individuals who have a defined and limited range of hospitality operational skills and basic industry knowledge. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks and work under direct supervision.

Certificate II in Workplace SkillsThe Business of Food


Certificate III in Catering


This program has been designed for Cookery Trainers to upskill, focussing on cookery skills and sound knowledge of kitchen operations to prepare food items.


Espresso Machine Operation


Food Handling Skill Set


Responsible Service of Alcohol


Responsible practices must be undertaken wherever alcohol is sold, served or supplied, including where alcohol samples are served during on-site product tastings. This unit therefore applies to any workplace where alcohol is sold, served or supplied, including all types of hospitality venues, packaged liquor outlets and wineries, breweries and distilleries.

We all know what it’s like…

Your business is going great (or not… COVID-19); you’re doing the things you know. But you also know that there are some pinch points in your business; some areas that could be safer, some processes you need to introduce.
But you’re frozen: I don’t know what to do? I don’t know where to start? Will the business afford it? Am I putting myself or business at risk?

Sign Up Now!